Hallo everybody! I am new in this blog so I'm gonna tell you some things about me. So.. let me start.. My name is Christine-Aggeliki but i want you to call be Christine. (stardoll name: ChrisMat). I am 13 years old and in my free time I like playing stardoll. So in this blog I am going to write some make-up tips and share make-over. Of course, after every pic. I will share I will write what you have to do to be like the girl in the pic. Also I am going to share some outfits for non-ss and ss. After every outfit I will write where you can buy the clothes and the accesories and how much stardollars or starcoins you have to pay. I want you to write if you like them or not. If your opinion is diferent than the other ppl, don't be afraid and write it. You are you. Don't change for enyone. I know that there will always be ppl that they dont like you but there are not the last in the world! So dont be afraid and share your opinion, whatever it is! Hope we will have a great time together!
Good luck! :D